When I first found out I was pregnant I didn't even begin to fantasize about a nursery for my baby on the way. At the time we lived in a one room apartment and the closest thing I would have had to a baby's room would have been a small corner in our walk-in closet. Miraculously though we were able to find and buy our current home: an apartment with much more leg room and an entire bedroom just for baby. We bought the apartment and moved in just before our little Isabella arrived. Timing really was everything. However even when I knew I'd have a special space for my little one I still wasn't putting decorating schemes together nor filling Pinterest boards with endless ideas. First of all I was freaking exhausted (haha if I only knew what was to come), and secondly it was so hard for me to even begin planning a space for a baby I didn't even know yet.
Now that Isabella is here I feel much more motivated to put together a room that is uniquely hers and that will reflect special aspects of her life. Slowly I've started to curate little areas here and there and am quite pleased with the sweetness and sentimentality I've been able to add. I'm looking forward to doing even more as her personality, likes and interests develop. As for now, I'm enjoying planning all the designs (and outfits!) while I can :)