Lately my life has been totally consumed by delicious little newborn babies, and I’m not complaining about it one bit. I didn’t even think I would have the time nor energy to fit in any photoshoots during my first few months as a new mom but I’m so glad I was able to snap a few quick shots of this gorgeous girl while she and her mama were visiting me and Isabella. Who knows, maybe all these babies are just the muses I needed ;)
isabella leahnora
My how life has changed. After my last photo shoot I took a photography hiatus as pregnancy literally weighed me down to where I had absolutely no energy left. Then I gave birth and even more energy was sucked out of me! Haha, and now I realize that exhaustion is just going to be a part of my daily life for a while, so instead of letting it completely consume me I am trying to push through and maintain some sort of normalcy. Finally, two months after my beautiful daughter’s birth, I felt ready to bring out the lens again. And while my little Isabella is not the most cooperative when it comes to my creative process, she is my most inspiring muse. I have dreams of fairytale like scenes of her surrounded by fallen autumn leaves, but for the moment she’s only let me capture a few shots of her sweetly sleeping. I can’t complain about that.